Brisbane City Council Bargaining Continues 

The Services Union is with BCC members every step of the way to make sure you get an Agreement that rewards you for all your hard work. Today’s meeting focused on grouping claims by all parties into subject matter groups. This involved all parties explaining the basis for various claims so that an assessment could be made about which subject a particular claim should be classified under. Many of the claims were of a similar nature such as wages, superannuation, rostering, allowances, leave and job specific claims.

Both the Rail Tram and Bus Union, on behalf of Bus Operators and the Australian Workers Union, on behalf of “outside workers” have foreshadowed a claim for separate agreements. The Council for its part has reiterated its view that there should only be one agreement. This topic has been scheduled for discussion next week.

Since the last time we negotiated an Agreement at the Brisbane City Council the Industrial Relations Act in Queensland was amended to require that some specific consideration must be given to the question of whether there is any gender-based pay differential and what measures are in place to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. This topic will be considered next week as well.

While it is clear that there is a significant task ahead there was a good feeling of cooperation at the Table which is hopefully an indication that these negotiations will be focused and civil!

Want to make sure you help achieve a well-deserved pay increase? Click here.

Above: EBA bargaining continues at BCC.