Critical Updates from the May 2024 JCC Meeting: Your Voice Matters!

We're pleased to update you on key developments from the May 2024 UCC Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Meeting:
  1. Staff Intranet Access: Management will identify and address any issues related to intranet access through the internal process.
  2. Union Access to Meeting Notice Board: Management has approved the placement of Union information about our campaigns and updates for workers on the meeting notice board.
  3. Union Information on Intranet: Management has agreed to investigate placing Union information, including a potential Union phone number, on the UCC's intranet.
  4. Union Delegate Access to Team Meetings: The request for Union delegates to attend team meetings was denied. Management cited financial constraints and declined to allow Union officials access to team meetings. 
  5. EBA Negotiations Update: No updates were provided at this time.
Additionally, discussions on best practices around consultation with the Union regarding changes at UnitingCare were not addressed, as the meeting's focus was primarily on internal service access rather than significant agenda items such as bargaining and changes to disability services. This lack of attention to critical issues like entitlements, wages, and daily staff concerns was disappointing. The Services Union Delegates and officials left the meeting feeling disheartened by management's receptiveness to our concerns and the insight into what is important to UnitingCare staff.

Our Union is concerned that since the JCC meeting held on May 15th, there have been two major change announcements that significantly affect workers. UnitingCare did not discuss these upcoming changes in a collaborative manner at the JCC meeting, highlighting their lack of commitment to transparency, cooperation, and meaningful collaboration with The Services Union. This underscores the substantial work still needed to improve the relationship between our Union and UCC. We are very disappointed with the current state of affairs but remain hopeful for positive changes moving forward.

Our goal moving forward is to actively represent and articulate member issues and pursue more productive and meaningful JCC meetings. Please pass this update to your colleagues who may not be Union members and encourage them to join our Union. Here is a link to join.

For further insights into the recent discussions, please watch the attached video featuring our Unions Senior Organiser Jeremy Young. Click here to watch.

Your engagement and support are invaluable as we strive for positive change together.

Above: ASU is the union fighting for members at UnitingCare Queensland.