Get ready for round two at Mount Isa City Council

The Services Union will be by your side for as long as it takes to ensure that you get the wages you deserve. After a successful First Round of protected industrial action, our members showed they won’t back down. Members turned out in force yesterday to say, ‘enough is enough’.

Click here for a recap of the action!

The Council’s current offer (pending a yes vote) of 3.5%, 3.75% and 4% isn’t good enough. Our Union has rejected this offer from Council.

This offer doesn’t take into consideration that member’s wages have significantly fallen behind during the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. It was highlighted at yesterday’s strike rally that it is not sustainable for Council to continue down this path where they can’t attract or retain new employees.

What are members fighting for?

  • Year 1 (1 July 2024) – 6%
  • Year 2 (1 July 2025) – 5% (or CPI if higher)
  • Year 3 (1 July 2026) – 4% (or CPI if higher)
  • Superannuation 2.5% above the superannuation guarantee

At the rally, there was a unanimous vote to STRIKE again and we’re confident Round Two will be bigger and better. Since the strike action taken by members yesterday, we have heard that some of the blue collar Unions are balloting their members for industrial action as well which is great news.

Important Steps
  1. Our Strike Committee will meet early next week to discuss Round Two of our industrial action so be on high alert for an update. If you would like to be involved in discussions around industrial action, please email one of your Delegates.
Discuss yesterday’s strike action with your colleagues and ask them if they want their employer to put a better offer on the table. If they do, tell them how easy it is to join online.