Important Info for Delegates - Support ASU's Case 

It’s time for recognition! SACS delegates nationwide came together to join the ASU campaign for the recognition and fair pay that community and disability workers deserve.

This won't be an easy victory, but together we can win and it all starts with delegates like you campaigning in your workplace. 

Our Campaign Goals: 
  • Protect Equal Pay: Permanently incorporate Equal Pay into the SCHDS Award, protecting fair pay for years to come. 
  • Improve the Award: Establish a classification structure that truly reflects our valuable skills, responsibilities, and expertise. 
As an ASU delegate, you are central to ensuring we win this campaign. What you can do a as a delegate: 
  • Start Conversations: Talk to your co-workers about why this campaign matters and how they can join in.
  • Spread The Word: We've got flyers, posters, fact sheets, and social media tools ready for you to share. And a workplace resolution for your next union meeting. Download them here!
  • Raise Our Voice: Encourage everyone to sign and share the ASU petition. Every signature adds momentum. 
  • Grow Our Union: Invite colleagues to join the ASU. A strong union presence in workplaces means a louder voice for fair pay and recognition. 
Together, we can ensure that community and disability workers are truly recognised and fairly compensated for their incredible work. Your efforts in speaking with members, organising your workplace and sharing the campaign message are crucial in making this change happen. 

We need everyone on board to win for all community and disability workers! Make sure to download a poster for your workplace and share the petition with colleagues.