Mount Isa City Council: Industrial Action Wednesday 25 September at 12 Noon


The Services Union (our Union) will be by your side for as long as it takes to ensure that you get the wages you deserve. After a successful First Round of protected industrial action, it’s time to turn up the heat and take more industrial action this week.

Your Workplace Delegates are convening a stop-work meeting outside the Civic Centre (lawn area 25 West Street) at 12 noon on Wednesday 25 September, and request that all members attend.

Now is your chance to stand with your colleagues and call upon Council to provide a wage offer that reflects your high levels of productivity and commitment to the community.

The Council’s current offer (pending a yes vote) of 4%, 4% and 4% doesn’t make up for the years of substandard wage increases you have suffered. Our Union has rejected Council’s latest offer and continued to counter with the following:

Year 1 (1 July 2024) – 6%

Year 2 (1 July 2025) – 5% (or CPI if higher)

Year 3 (1 July 2026) – 4% (or CPI if higher)

+ Superannuation 2.5% above the superannuation guarantee

No member should feel obliged to inform management in advance of their decision to stop work. If a manager or supervisor asks you whether you intend to stop work between now and Wednesday, you are within your rights to say, “the Union will notify you as required”.

Only members of The Services Union can participate in protected industrial action. If you work with someone who wants a fair deal but is not yet a member, they can join quickly , easily and confidentially here.

If you have any questions, please contact one of your local delegates.