Second Protected Action Ballot to be conducted

Callide Members, as advised in our communications of 10 June 2024, our protected action ballot was unsuccessful due to lack of participation – with only 46.15% of our members participating in the ballot.

In accordance with the feedback received through the survey, our Union has applied for a second protected action ballot to be conducted.

We have made this decision because it appears our ballot would have been successful but for it being conducted by the post. A number of members report returning their ballot (which suggests the ballot papers were not received by the AEC in time) with a significant number of members who reported not receiving the ballot at all.

On this basis, our Union has instructed an approved third party ballot agent called Vero Voting Pty Ltd to conduct an electronic ballot. We confirm that:
  1. We are yet to receive an exact timeline for voting from Vero Voting Pty Ltd - so we do not have precise dates around when it will open (although, it will be in the coming days); and
  2. As per the Order issued from the Fair Work Commission, the ballot will close on 28 June 2024.
For members to be able to take protected industrial action, the following conditions must be met in the ballot:
  1. At least 50% of the members listed on the voter roll take part in the ballot; and
  2. More than 50% of the valid votes cast support the approval of the Protected Industrial Action.
If you would like more information around protected industrial action, please read our factsheet here.

Whilst we need at least 50% participation in the ballot, we need all our members at Callide to participate in the ballot to deliver the best outcome at the bargaining table as it will send a message to CS Energy and the Government that the current offer is not good enough.

We will be in touch over the coming days with additional information about the upcoming ballot.

The Services Union is by your side during these negotiations.

Above: ASU is the union fighting for members at Callide Power Station!