Stop wage theft in the NDIS! Sign the petition.


BREAKING NEWS: ASU launches landmark case to end wage theft and fraud in the NDIS! 

This morning the Australian Services Union has launched a case in the Fair Work Commission to stop unscrupulous employers from ripping off disability support workers. 

Sign the petition to support our case!

We estimate up to 1 in 10 employers have been deliberately misclassifying and underpaying 30,000 NDIS workers as home care workers, which has a lower award rate, and pocketing the difference. Some workers are missing out on up to $16,000 per year, or more if they do extra hours. This is wage theft, plain and simple.

But the ASU is on your side. We've just made an application to the Fair Work Commission to end this rort and officially classify disability support work under the right category in the SCHDS Award. We maintain that the minimum classification level for an entry level disability support worker is SACS Employee Level 2 Pay point 1; not Home Care employee rates. 

This would mean up to $9 more per hour for thousands of workers and will mean all disability support workers benefit from Equal Pay.

We are doing this to make sure all NDIS workers are properly recognised, valued and paid.

But now to make this change a reality, we need your help!

Sign the petition: End Wage Theft in the NDIS

Let's close this loophole, stamp out dodgy practices in the NDIS, and move closer to fair pay and recognition for all NDIS workers.

P.S. Ask your colleagues to sign the petition! The more voices we have, the stronger our message will be.

ASU: BREAKING NEWS: ASU Launches landmark case to end wage theft and fraud in the NDIS!