Toowoomba Regional Council -PAB

It's time to demand the pay rise you deserve at Toowoomba Regional Council and The Services Union is by your side to make it happen. We know your value and we’ve been telling the Council for months that its pay proposals are not going to cut it. Now’s the time for you to reinforce that message.

As advised on Tuesday 18 June, your protected action ballot is now open and you can VOTE HERE until 5:00pm Thursday 27 June . In order to vote, you will need your union membership number which you would have received via email. This is your chance to show that you are serious about getting a pay increase that adequately deals with the cost-of-living crisis and the fact that you are the lowest paid employees in your Category.

This ballot is important because
your pay is so low and you have to send a message to the Council so they know you want to change that.

If you have any questions, please contact your bargaining committee Workplace Delegates.

Members know that our Union is the only thing standing between you and an Agreement that will further devalue your pay. If you work with someone who is not yet a member and wants a better deal, remind them that
joining is easy online


Time to vote for better wages at Toowoomba Regional Council.