Our work and our workplaces are constantly changing - and often not for the better. New challenges are constantly on the horizon, and sometimes it is a challenge to just get by. 

The Australian Services Union covers 130,000 members nationally. We understand your work, the unique contribution you make and what’s required to make your job fairer and better, while making sure you’re protected at work. 

Our union stands up for your rights and fair pay, and can help develop your career for faster progression. We work together with all ASU members to deliver real benefits in your workplace.
We will be with you day to day, and for whatever the future holds. 

Through the Australian Services Union, workers draw on their collective strength to deliver better pay, conditions and support that is tailored to your unique needs. 

Our union sets its ambitions very high, in terms of what we can achieve for our members and the wider community. We have an innovative and creative culture, and we take on issues that matter to our members no matter how small or how large. 

Everything we do as a union is done with the inclusion of members’ input and ideas. The history of our union is testament to our victories, including delivering equal pay for women when most people thought it was a pipedream. We were the first union to deliver domestic violence leave in a workplace agreement – an issue which is now firmly in the national conversation.

Recognising that our members are individuals with unique needs, we offer a range of options in our services and support for you. 

Some members want help with professional development; others value the discounts we provide on goods and services; and some members just want the assurance that if something goes wrong at work, they’ll get the advice and representation they need. Everyone’s different but we’re here for all members, every step of the way. 

Our members can trust that we will use our collective strength to protect their interests. This matters to us because community is everything - working together is how unions stay strong and you get the best outcome. 

So join the ASU, for all of the reasons above and more, knowing you’ll be joining more than 130,000 other workers who are already part of our team. 

Download a hard copy Membership Form here.  

For SACS Industry workers  - please download a hard copy membership form here.    


Membership Fees as of 1 July 2024

Please click here to download a copy of the 2024-25 Membership Fees

Please see our Terms and Conditions page for information on our membership here. 

The Australian Services Union - By your side. 

Join the us online here  

Being a member means you always have collective support at work.”
Leonie - Union member - Water Industry

27 Ways and Growing Campaign

The 27 Ways and Growing Campaign was launched by The Services Union in 2013 to highlight the achievements of the union movement. 31/03/2022