ASU WIN - 3.75% pay rise for almost 3 million workers

ASU members have campaigned and won a 3.75% pay rise for almost 3 million workers.

The Fair Work Commission announced a 3.75% increase in Modern Award Rates and an 3.75% boost to the National Minimum Wage, effective from 1 July 2024.

This is a 3.75% pay increase for community and disability workers in the Annual Wage Review! The 3.75% pay increase, which starts on 1 July is less than we wanted, but is far above the 2% big business was calling for. This was only due to the advocacy of union members! . The ASU will be continuing to advocate for SACS members' work to be better valued, respected and most importantly – paid equally.

Join the Skilled Respected Equal Campaign here

Overall, although it this is less than we wanted for all workers  it’s a huge win in the face of relentless campaigning from big business who wanted to limit the wages of working Australians.

In a year marked by more financial uncertainty, price-gouging supermarkets and rising housing costs, this win showcases the power of unity. Already, union members stood together to win the cost-of-living tax cuts, which will deliver some much-needed relief from 1 July, along with this pay rise.

Congratulations to all ASU members for their dedication and hard work in making this happen.

Want to know what a 3.75% pay rise means for you? Calculate it here! >>>

Here's what you need to know about this win if you work in the Social and Community Services Industry:

  • All workers who are paid according to the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 will receive a pay rise of 3.75% as of July 1, 2024.

  • The National Minimum Wage and all other Modern Awards will increase by 3.75% from 1 July 2024.

  • Those on an enterprise bargaining agreement will only see an increase if their base rate falls below the minimum award rate for their classification.

Together, we continue to strive for fair pay and conditions.

Here's what else you need to know about this win:

  • Modern Award-covered workers will see a 3.75% pay rise starting 1 July 2024.

  • The National Minimum Wage will increase by 3.75% from 1 July 2024.

  • Office and Admin workers under the Clerks - Private Sector Award 2020 will receive a 3.75% pay rise as of 1 July 2024.

  • Those on an enterprise bargaining agreement will only see an increase if their base rate falls below the minimum award rate for their classification.

Calculate your new pay here:

Our efforts don't stop here. We must ensure that employers implement this wage increase on 1 July. Your employer will be reviewing your current rates against the Award minimums soon. The ASU will be working closely with our members to ensure everyone receives their rightful pay.

This is just the beginning. ASU members are gearing up to make the most significant changes to pay and conditions for social and community workers in years.