BREAKING: Huge Win for ASU Members on Homelessness Funding

ASU members in community services have won a substantial increase to homelessness funding!

 Thanks to ongoing campaigning by ASU members, the Federal Government just announced a significant increase in funding for frontline homelessness services and the workers that support these critical services.

 This is a massive win for ASU members and for the communities you support every day.

 The Federal Government have announced:

  • A new $9.3 billion 5-year national Housing and Homelessness services agreement, including $400 million each year, for housing and homelessness services and the workforce, which will ensure the ERO (Equal Remuneration Order) funding is maintained.
  • $1 billion directed towards crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence and youth.
 With 300 people being turned away every day, this funding will make sure services are available when people need them most, particularly for women fleeing domestic and family violence.

 This is a step in the right direction, but we know there’s still more to do. We will use this momentum to push for better pay and conditions for workers who do so much for the community, and to attract more people to the sector.

 Let’s keep the pressure on and continue to push for what our community and workers deserve.

 By your side,

The Services Union

P.S. Don’t forget to share this good news with a colleague! And if they’re not a member, encourage them to join here


Above: ASU members in the community services have won a substantial increase to homelessness funding!