Cairns library members classification win

The Services Union  has had a great win for our library members at Cairns Regional Council with our “Lifting Local Libraries” campaign (lifting Level 1 Library Assistants to Level 2).

Since launching our Lifting Local Libraries campaign last year, we have been able to ensure that the entry level for Library Assistants at the following Councils is Level 2 NOT Level 1 – Logan, Gladstone, Banana, Central Highlands, Toowoomba, Somerset, Northern Peninsula and Cairns.

These wins represent a huge shift in the Local Government space with nearly 100 predominantly female Council employees at these Councils receiving a substantial pay increase of up to $7000. This move has not only injected approximately $400k into library salaries but has also paved the way for further salary enhancements as these members progress through Level 2 increments.

The success of the campaign can be attributed to the dedication of our Workplace Delegates who have tirelessly pushed for fair compensation and recognition of the invaluable work performed by our members in libraries.

Please talk to and encourage your library colleagues not yet in the Union to join and increase our collective strength in your workplace.

The next big targets for our campaign are Brisbane, Moreton Bay and Mackay Councils.

These are the type of outcomes workers can achieve when they join their union and campaign as part of the collective.

Joining online is easy at The Services Union.

A huge win for Cairns library members!