Don't let Qantas rip up overtime and full-time work!


Qantas management has launched a ‘Roster Improvement Program’ (the ‘RIP’) in Airports and Lounges, claiming it aims to gather employee input for rostering preferences and process enhancements.

But let's call a spade a spade - it's more like a ripping-up overtime and full-time work program!

Management is using this platform to sneak in significant cuts disguised as ‘opportunities’ for improvement. While they claim it's limited to Airports and Lounges, don't be fooled. If they get away with it here, they'll try to roll it out elsewhere.

The devil is in the detail:

Longer Shifts for Part-Timers: Qantas is pushing to extend part-time shifts at single rates without specifying the length. They say it'll mean fewer working days, but there's no guarantee. Ask yourself, why hasn’t Qantas put in writing that you will be entitled to two or three consecutive days off? If they get their way, both part-timers and full-timers will see their overtime opportunities slashed. Read more here .

Variation in Full-Time Rostering: Qantas is pushing the ability to roster full-timers for varying shifts (e.g., 10 hours one day and 4 hours the next) at single rates, which they say offers flexibility for full-time workers. Ask yourself, why hasn’t Qantas put in writing that you will be entitled to two or three consecutive days off? Read more here .

Preference-Based Rostering: Qantas is dangling the carrot of a 28-day roster notice, but the details are hazy. Qantas will still maintain its right to change employee shifts, so the promise isn't worth it unless Qantas guarantees in writing that no changes will occur within 28 days. The overall program is a one-way ticket to reduced overtime opportunities!

Take A Stand.

These changes can't be imposed unilaterally. They require negotiation through the Enterprise Agreement. Bargaining won’t commence until early next year, but Qantas is pushing its agenda now. As a union, we must stand firm against any poor deals.

Join us in campaigning for improved rosters, which include our goals of:

  • Implement a minimum published roster period of 28 days.
  • Provide penalties for any shifts changed once a roster has been notified.
  • Ensure overtime compensation for any work performed outside the notified roster.
  • Enforce a minimum of a 2-day consecutive break each week as part of the roster.

Join our meetings and sign our petition, which Organisers and Delegates are circulating.

Together, we can protect our rights and ensure fair treatment in the workplace!

If you are not already a member, now is the time to join. You can join online here .

For more information and to get involved, please reach out to your ASU Organiser Jessica Daniels: [email protected]

Qantas management claims their ‘Roster Improvement Program’ (the ‘RIP’) in Airports and Lounges aims to gather employee input for rostering preferences and process enhancements. But let's call a spade a spade.