Fraser Coast Regional Council – Why is the ‘one off payment’ at risk?

Today we attended the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (‘QIRC’)  for a further bargaining dispute conference.

The two key issues were:

  1. An Attraction and Retention Allowance claimed by the ETU and the AMWU.
  2. The $1,200 one off payment.

As you are all aware, your CEO has said if all the Unions don’t agree in principle by Monday 10 June 2024, the $1,200 one off payment will be off the table.

Let’s be clear, if the CEO decides to withdraw the offer of the $1,200 one off payment, it will be because of the Council’s inability to resolve the outstanding claim with the ETU and AMWU.

There’s a bit of a history in relation to the offer of the one off payment throughout this bargain:

  1. $500 was offered, and then withdrawn by the CEO.
  2. In a subsequent offer, $500 was offered for the first year with a $350 payment in years 2 and 3 as a ‘Christmas bonus.’
  3. The next offer was for a $1,200 one off payment (the current offer).

Your CEO now says he can only pay it if the unions agree in principle by 10 June 2024, as he says it has to be paid this financial year. As you can see, your CEO continues to move the goalposts throughout this bargain!

The Council is attempting to maintain a hard line, saying they are prepared to have the matter arbitrated. Under the legislation, the matter can only be referred to arbitration by the conciliating member (Commissioner) in September 2024.

What are the next steps?

  1. The ETU and AMWU are to consider their claim and put a counter-proposal to the Council on Monday.
  2. Commissioner Caddie of the QIRC will list another conference for 4:30pm on Monday 10 June 2024
We will update our members every step of the way!

The latest bargaining update for Fraser Coast Regional Council members.