Gladstone Regional Council - Log of Claims endorsement meeting

Our Union will be running a paid-time Log of Claims endorsement meeting this week. We will be facilitating multiple venues across the Council region for members to attend however, you can also dial into the meeting via Microsoft Teams. This is your opportunity to have your say on the upcoming negotiations.

We want to hear from you! Certified Agreements typically set your wages and conditions for three years, so it is vital that we get your input.

Please see the details below for how you can attend and have your say.

Date: Thursday 6 June

Time: 2pm - 3:30pm

  • 101 Goondoon Street – Conference Room 5
  • 109 Goondoon Street – Byellee Room
  • 113 Goondoon Street – Client Room 2
  • Calliope - Gurang Room
  • Gladstone Depot – The Shed Meeting Room
  • Phillip Street GRC Smart Room
  • Miriam Vale – Taribelang Bunda Room
Make sure you forward this email onto your colleagues at your workplace and if they aren’t in the Union yet, encourage them to join here.

Don't miss this important meeting to have your say on your Log of Claims at Gladstone Regional Council