Huge win for members - Best Practice Industry Conditions for Social Services Procurement

Today, the Queensland Deputy Premier and Treasurer Cameron Dick acknowledged the invaluable work of our members and the Social and Community Services Sector in supporting our communities.

In response to The Services Union's and the Sector's advocacy, we are thrilled to announce the development of Best Practice Industry Conditions for Social Services Procurement.

Executive President Jennifer Thomas stated, "This is a huge win for the sector and our members who have campaigned for these best practice conditions. The changes will improve the sustainability of the sector and service delivery."

In summary, The Queensland Miles Government have developed Best Practice Industry Conditions including:

  • 5-year funding contracts;
  • If a contract is to end, not be renewed or substantially reduced, 6 months’ notice (in writing) will be provided;
  • 3 months notices to be provided for renewal of contracts;
  • Permanent employment for workers will be prioritised, along with entitlements;
  • Workers will be appropriately classified and receive training, within safe working models;
  • Services organisations encouraged to develop local approaches;
  • Multiple contracts to be streamlined with possible management by a lead agency; and
  • Contracts will be indexed at 3.94% for 2024-25.
These principles do not apply to trials or pilot programs. Our Union will continue to collaborate on the development of these guidelines via our representation on the Social Services Category Council Industry Reference Group.

Photo above from left: Minister for Child Safety, Minister for Seniors & Disability Services and Minister for Multicultural Affairs Charis Mullen, PeakCare Board Chair Kym Langill, Deputy Premier and Treasurer Cameron Dick, Executive President of TSU Jennifer Thomas and Vice President of the SACS Industry at TSU Maria Leebeek. (photo: Charis Mullen Facebook).