Isn't it time Endeavour Foundation Management listen to their employees?

For over five years our Union has advocated for Endeavour Foundation (EF) to negotiate a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA). Time and time again, EF changed their Management Team and our process of advocacy was restarted. Finally in 2022 EF decided it was time. EF announced it would renegotiate the EBA and that Industries employees would finally be covered by an EBA as they have always deserved to be- and things would change for the better.

It has been almost two years and yet EF continues to stall. Our Union has continued trying to negotiate the new EBA EF said it wanted, and despite EF changing its Bargaining Team several times- we have continued to try to get the job done for our members!

Whilst we agree that a wage increase is a priority, we know that members want EBA provisions that shape the way EF values and respects its workforce. A key provision is how EF chooses to consult with its workplace on roster changes and changes that occur within the workplace (restructures or changes to job requirements). We have seen EF fail to consult on rosters time and time again, and despite the multiple collaborations we have had with multiple management teams - EF has never managed to consistently approach roster changes and/or workplace change effectively. EF has let its employees down time and time again- and we’re all sick of it.

We thought we were making some advancements in bargaining when discussing roster consultation, but most recently we just don’t seem to be able to get across to EF that it does not have a good track record when it comes to consulting with employees and managing change. EF tells of its intention to genuinely consult and consider its employees feedback but refuses to commit to putting those words in your EBA! Instead, EF insist that we should trust them.

Do you trust EF Management? Our Union does not trust words that have failed our members time and time again, and we want to see them take some action on these promises of collaboration and trust!

We need your help to make EF Management aware of how staff on the frontline feel, and that they don’t want to bet their trust on the ever-changing leadership team’s promises. We want to show EF that employees would rather have the COMMITMENT put into writing in the EBA.

Help us tell EF what it needs to do for employees by filling out this anonymous survey:

Your details will not be provided to EF, so feel free to tell us what you really think about their promises, versus their actions!

In Solidarity,

The Services Union

Above: We are by the side of our members at Endeavour