Key Dates for Upcoming Protected Action Ballot

As advised in our previous communication, our Union has applied for a second protected action ballot to be held and have instructed Vero Voting to conduct the ballot on our behalf.

The ballot will be conducted electronically and will open at 9:00am on Friday, 21 June 2024 and will close at 5:00pm on Friday, 28 June 2024.

You will be able to access the ballot through a link that will be sent to you by Vero Voting to both your:
  1. CS Energy email address; and
  2. Mobile phone (the number you have registered with our Union office).
When you receive the link from Vero Voting, please click through to the ballot immediately and complete each of the questions.

We encourage you to vote ‘yes’ to each question (even if the question does not relate to your employment), as this will enable all our members to take protected industrial action.

Vero Voting have supplied a ‘How to Vote – User Guide’ – which can be accessed by clicking this link.

If you have any questions about the upcoming ballot, please contact our Union office to speak with Ben Ellis (Senior Industrial Officer for Government Owned Corporations) on (07) 3844 5300.

The Services Union is by your side during these negotiations.

Above: ASU is the union fighting for members at Callide Power Station!