Knowing Your Rights at Jetstar

Important Update on Pay

The Fair Work Commission has recently increased Award rates of pay by 3.75%. The Award rate is the minimum amount employers can legally pay. We are assessing the new rates to ensure Jetstar remains compliant with the law.

While this increase is a positive step, we must continue campaigning for proper wage increases to ensure fair compensation for all workers. We strongly oppose any Qantas Group pay policy that includes a pay freeze or suppresses salaries. The Services Union remains committed to advocating for your rights and pushing for better outcomes.

Understanding Your Enterprise Agreement's Break Entitlements

It's crucial to be aware of your entitlements under your Enterprise Agreement, particularly regarding rest breaks:

  1. Single Days Off:

    1. You are entitled to a minimum rest period of 32 hours between the end of your final shift before a single day off and your first shift after the day off. This rest period can only be waived by mutual agreement between the Company and the Shift Worker.

  2. Consecutive Days Off:

  1. You are entitled to a minimum rest period of 56 hours between the end of your final shift before consecutive days off and your first shift after the days off. This rest period can also only be waived by mutual agreement.

Being aware of your current entitlements is the first step in protecting your rights and improving working conditions.

Upcoming Activities: Delegate and Management Meetings

Your ASU Organisers and Delegates are meeting on Thursday, June 13, to strategise for our upcoming national consultation meeting with Jetstar management, scheduled for Thursday, June 20. Key issues on the agenda include flexible working arrangements, safety and thermal comfort, and rostering.

We will continue pressuring management on these critical issues to secure better working conditions for all members.

Stay informed about your rights and actively engage in union activities to ensure we achieve the best possible outcomes for all members. Together, we can make a difference.

If you are not already a member, now is the time to join. You can join online here:

If you require any support or additional information, please contact your local ASU delegates or your Organisers at The Services Union.

Jessica Daniels: 0487 777 396 or Glenn Desmond: 0427 975 806

Above: Knowing Your Rights at Jetstar!