Local Government Superannuation Update

Changes to the Local Government Employee Superannuation Scheme set out in the Local Government Act 2009 (LGA) and the Local Government Regulation 2012 (LGR) will commence on 1 July 2024, and an additional regulatory change, The Services Union campaigned for is set out below.

Superannuation amendments
The superannuation scheme amendments:
  • Provide flexibility to local government employees to reduce their employee personal superannuation contributions to respond to financial pressures.
  • Simplify and clarify the superannuation entitlements of local government employees by aligning the definition of ‘salary’ in the LGA and LGR with the equivalent definition in Commonwealth legislation.
  • Align the minimum superannuation contribution amounts for special local government employees with the Commonwealth superannuation scheme.
  • Provide that all permanent Brisbane City Council (BCC) employees 70 years of age and over (and under 75) are to receive the same council superannuation contribution of 14 percent, equivalent to other permanent employees.
  • Reflect that the local government scheme default fund provider LGIAsuper now trades as Brighter Super.
To support the implementation of the amendments, the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (the Department) has developed targeted communication materials detailing how councils and their employees will be affected by the changes: Local Government Superannuation Scheme Changes - Info sheet

The Department has also written to all local government CEOs to inform them of the changes and to provide the communication and implementation support material including a form template for employees to change their personal contribution rate. Please note that a customised package of material has been provided to BCC. The Services Union thanks the Miles Government for responding to our unions campaign regarding cost of living and making Queensland Local Governments more sustainable.

Additional regulatory changes
Disciplinary action

The LGR and City of Brisbane Regulation 2012 has been amended to remove local government CEO's power to impose a deduction from the salary or wages of an employee as a disciplinary action. Transitional arrangements will preserve the effect of disciplinary actions underway immediately prior to the commencement, subject to any appeal process. 

$120k Technical Progression WIN at Noosa Council!

Our Union's technical progression campaign got off to a flying start with a $120k WIN at Noosa Council!

Congratulations to five of our members at Noosa Council who have now received $120k backpay in total.

As technical employees in Local Government, they are eligible to progress from Level 4 to Level 5 after being at level 4.4 for 12 months (subject to provisions in the Award). This had not been happening at Noosa Council and we were successful arguing for backpay; getting some of our members over $30k.

Our Technical Progression Campaign (please click here to download the flyer) has now been successful at Toowoomba, Moreton Bay, Fraser Coast and Noosa!

The Services Union has so far won $250k in back pay for our members and this is just the beginning.

We are pursuing further technical progression at Noosa, Sunshine Coast, Rockhampton and Moreton Bay. Encourage your colleagues to join us.