Update on Underpayment Issue: Mercy's Disappointing Response

We regret to inform you that our recent engagement with Mercy Community regarding the underpayment issue has delivered a disappointing response. Despite over 18 months of waiting, Mercy has shown a lack of transparency and refuses to provide a clear timeline for paying owed wages and entitlements. This is unacceptable.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has confirmed that Mercy can commence payments immediately. So, what's causing the delay?

Here’s how Mercy responded to our requests:
  • Timing of Payments: Mercy has not committed to a precise timeline for the remediation payments but claims they will begin as soon as possible.
  • Goodwill Payment: We requested a $1,000 goodwill payment for all affected employees. Mercy refused, stating that "the preliminary analysis suggests that approximately 600 of the roughly 1,700 employees who will receive a remediation payment are owed an amount less than $1,000, with some amounts as low as 1 cent." If preliminary figures are available, our Union does not understand why the approximately 1,100 employees owed more than $1,000 cannot receive immediate payments.
  • Overpayment: Mercy will not seek repayment of identified overpayments, which is good news for employees.
  • Audit for Agreement Employees: Mercy refuses to audit the application of Enterprise Agreements to identify compliance issues.
  • Award Breach Information: Mercy refuses to provide our Union with information on breaches under the SCHADS Award. We believe that Mercy understands the extent of these breaches and should be transparent.
What Can Members Do?

Please contact our Union if you:
  • Wish to speak with the Fair Work Ombudsman about your experience with Mercy.
  • Are employed under an Enterprise Agreement and concerned about underpayment.
  • Have feedback regarding Mercy’s response.
Our Union is by your side, and we will continue to advocate for Union Members at Mercy Community.

Above: ASU is the Union fighting for our members at Mercy Community.