Protecting Your Job Security and Rights at Jetstar

On Thursday, June 20, your ASU Organisers and Delegates met with Jetstar management to discuss key issues such as job security and labour hire, personal leave, and Christmas and New Year’s Eve. 

Job Security 

Your union firmly believes Jetstar should directly employ workers instead of relying on labour hire. This is crucial for maintaining your job security. The ASU is dedicated to protecting your employment and does not support outsourcing your work to labour hire, whether temporarily or permanently. While labour hire may be used at times, Jetstar has committed to consulting the ASU before engaging casual or labour-hire employees. This consultation should consider: 

  1. Providing additional hours to current Jetstar employees
  2. Temporary secondments to full-time roles
  3. Other viable solutions to reduce the need for casual or labour-hire employees
These commitments are essential for protecting your job, and we are determined to ensure Jetstar fulfils them to ensure maximum income and opportunities for you.  

Payslips and Personal Leave

Currently, you cannot see your personal leave balance, leading to uncertainty about your entitlements and, in some instances, members being short-changed in their entitlement.  We have pushed for personal leave balances to be visible on your employee system or payslips. Jetstar is exploring how to add this information, and we will keep advocating for this change to provide you with clear and accurate information. 

Christmas and New Year's Eve Shifts

Before COVID, Jetstar allowed you more control over your Christmas and New Year's Eve schedules by letting you nominate a preference for AM, PM, or Day Off shifts. While this was only a preference, it empowered you to shape your holiday experiences. We have urged Jetstar to return to this process to enhance your satisfaction and influence over holiday schedules. 

The ASU will continue addressing these critical issues with Jetstar to prioritise your rights and job security. We are committed to holding Jetstar accountable for their commitments and improving your working conditions, and we will keep you updated on our progress. 
Stay informed and engaged in union activities to help us achieve the best possible outcomes for all members. Together, we can make a difference. If you are not already a member, now is the time to join.

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