QR Management couldn't give 50 cents

The Services Union (TSU) has continued to engage with Members and Delegates regarding the ongoing SCS Business Operating Model (BOM) consultation.

On 17 May, the TSU wrote to Station Operations management requesting the Data and other information referred to in the consultation document. QR’s Consultation pack states they are using this data to form the new Master Rosters and the Pilot Targeted Teams that will be consulted on during Stage B of this process.

To date management have been unwilling to share this data but have assured us that all relevant information will be shared as each part of the BOM redesign progresses through the stages of consultation.

Our Unions Senior Industrial Officer Ben Ellis has sent correspondence to Station Operations Management today outlining that our Union continues to have concerns in this space.

We note there will undoubtedly be an increase in patronage with Queensland Rail off the back of the State Government’s announcement around fifty (50) cent public transport fares. On this basis, we asked that Queensland Rail give serious consideration to reassessing the extent of any proposed changes to hours of attendance and staffing levels!

Your Union was able to get the Stage A consultation period extended from its initial close of Monday 27 May to now be Friday 31 May 2024 to allow our membership more time to consider this part of the consultation. So far, many of you have responded to the SCS Consultation mailbox, your questions and feedback are important, and they will have an impact on the outcomes of this consultation.

If you have not yet provided feedback or wish to provide more, there is still time to do so. When our members respond to QR as part of this consultation with your questions and concerns, we ask that you please include [email protected] in your correspondence so we can continue to collate the issues to be addressed in consultation.

In times like these, with potential changes on the horizon, there has never been a more important time to have The Services Union by your side.

If you know someone who will be impacted by this process but are not yet a member of a union please send them this email so they can join here.

Queensland Rail Email Disclaimer : https://www.queenslandrail.com.au/aboutus/legal/email-disclaimer


Above: ASU is the union fighting for members at QR.