Staff satisfaction declining on wage rates at Toowoomba - we think you deserve more

The Services Union continue to be by your side at Toowoomba Regional Council(TRC) as you come to terms with being one of the lowest paid Councils in your category and around the state. Our Union met with the Council on Friday 10 May for further discussions to negotiate your new Certified Agreement (CA) and whilst discussions continued, it's been very slow going.

Your wages have always been low and the proposed 6% increase for Year One might look great when you are accustomed to inferior wage increases. To bring your wages up to the middle of the pack, our Union provided a counter position of 8% for Year One and we will provide our position for year two and three increases on Friday.

Note the wage rates below are current wage rates as of today for a Level 3.1. Members at Gold Coast, Fraser Coast and Somerset Regional Council are about to receive significant increases in their wages soon whilst Ipswich and Mackay wages will increase in the next few months as negotiations are underway.

Employees at TRC have been surveyed by the Council and staff satisfaction has declined when it comes to wages so it’s time the Council takes its workforce seriously before vacancy rates increase even more.

If you want to bring your wages and conditions into line with other Councils, the best thing you can do is forward or distribute this information so your colleagues know how far behind their wages are. While you’re at it, remind them that they need to join our Union by clicking here so the Council starts listening.  

Please direct questions to your workplace delegates: Julie-Anne Crosby, Naomi Scott, Adam Purves, Robert Relvas and Ian Burrows.

The latest update at Toowoomba Regional Council.