Take action for local government jobs

Have you noticed staff shortages or more insecure work at your council? You're not alone. The latest ASU survey revealed that 80% of councils are experiencing skills shortages, and 54% of workers have seen an increase in insecure forms of employment at their council in the last five years. 

You know local government matters. And now the government want to hear about it too. ASU members called for and won a parliamentary inquiry into local government jobs and services, and it’s about to begin. 

So, what can you do to prepare? Start taking action in your workplace, with the following steps: 
  1. Sign the Petition: Urge the Government to boost funding for local government services and secure well-paid jobs. Sign the Petition here .
  2. Download Campaign Materials: Spread the word in your workplace and community. Download the ASU research, campaign posters, flyers, and social media graphics here.
  3. Grow Your Union: Tell your colleagues about this campaign. Ask them to stand with you and join the ASU. Send them this link
Your involvement is crucial. By standing together with your colleagues, you can ensure that essential services are properly funded and local government workers are respected and supported. 

Local government matters! 

By your side, 

The Services Union

P.S. Share this email with your colleagues – every voice counts in this fight for better funding and job security!