Townsville City Council - Parking fee increase survey

Well, you’ve really got to hand it to Townsville City Council, if there’s a way to kick employees in the teeth you can guarantee TCC will find it.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that Council threatened to lock out employees for seeking better pay during the last round of bargaining, and, then denied your union’s request for a cost of living adjustment to help deal with runaway inflation. Now they’re picking the pockets of employees who work in the city by taking back a large chunk of your paltry 2.59% pay increase through the increase of parking fees.

Parking fees are set to increase for many Townsville City Council employees from $6 to $10 a day. See an example below of what this means for a typical employee at Townsville City Council:

For a Level 3A employee earning $71,806 a year the increase in parking fees equates to 1.3% of their annual salary ($940 a year increase). Parking fees for a year going forward will now equate to $2350 a year which is 3.27% of a Level 3A employee’s annual salary at Council.

Council wages are at the bottom of the pile when compared with similar Council’s and this only makes thins worse. Now we want to hear from you. If we’re going to attempt to address the issue for our members we need the data to help support our argument.

Please check your emails for a link to the survey and let us know what impact the increased fees will have on you. Survey closes 8 August COB. If you have not received it, contact us here.

Have your say on our parking fee increase survey.