Union Commences Negotiations at Gladstone Regional Council 

The Services Union met with Gladstone Regional Council earlier today to commence discussions regarding your new Certified Agreement (CA).

All parties to the CA including Council tabled their log of claims today. Each party was able to talk to each individual claim and explain the context behind the claim.

On a positive note Council have indicated a willingness to move on a number of clauses including hours of work and parental leave, two items that feature prominently in our log of claims

  • Council have indicated a willingness for all employees to go from working 38 hours a week to 36.25 hours with no loss of pay. This would bring Gladstone Regional Council Stream A (indoor employees) in line with the relevant Award.
  • Parental leave currently sits at 7 weeks leave and Council would like to increase this to 10 weeks.
We have not agreed to anything yet and it is up to members to decide the direction of this bargain. Remind any of your colleagues not in the Union that if they also want a say they should join the Union – Joining is easy online.

Our Union will be returning to the bargaining table on Tuesday 2 July to continue discussions around your wages and conditions.