Delegates and committee members, are leaders in their workplaces and at The Services Union. They have voluntarily taken on the responsibility to support their fellow union members to make our workplaces better

The Services Union is overseen by our Branch Council, which is directly elected by members. Their role is to set our strategic objectives. The decisions made at the Branch Council are formed into strategic industry objectives and operational plans which are then adopted by the Branch Executive to guide the work of our Union for the next 12 months to two years. There are 63 Branch Councillors who are elected members every four years. Our operations at an industry level are guided by Industry Division Committees. These are Local Authorities and Brisbane City Council, Energy, Transport and Northern Administrative and Social and Community Services,. Each industry component is represented on the Branch Executive via a Branch Vice-President and on Branch Council via a Branch Councillor.

Our Branch Executive Committee is made up of 14 members who hold the positions of the Branch President, a Vice-President representing each Industry Division, a Vice-President (Women), a Vice-President (Youth), Branch Treasurer, and two paid officers – the Branch Secretary and the Branch Executive President. They take advice from our Industry Division Committees and implement our strategies. Workplace Delegates are members who are passionate about ensuring the working rights and conditions are sustained and enhanced in their workplaces and for their industries.

The Branch Executive is assisted in running our Union by two elected and paid officials, Secretary Neil Henderson, who oversees the running of our Union, and Executive President Jennifer Thomas, who is charge of our Union’s operations.

You can make a contribution to making The Services Union visible in your workplace. You can do this as a Workplace Delegate - who is a member that has put their hand up to become more active in our Union because they are passionate about creating a better workplace for everyone at work.

Being a Workplace Delegate involves:

  • Ongoing training to improve your skills and knowledge;
  • Assisting members with employment related questions;
  • Talking to management to resolve workplace issues with support and advice from our Union;
  • Promoting our Union with new employees and non-union members to keep our workplaces strong, and
  • Updating members on agreement negotiations and assisting in preparing members claims.
If you have any questions about Delegates Training or would like to register for one of the above sessions, please email [email protected]


I'm a proud Workplace Delegate. My union supports me in this role every step of the way. ”

Kara - ASU Member -Rail Industry.

Strengthening Social and Community Services

Members of the Australian Services Union (ASU) across the country have fought and won big changes for workers in the Social and Community Services Industry. 31/05/2023