Strengthening Social and Community Services

Members of the Australian Services Union (ASU)  across the country have fought and won big changes for workers in the Social and Community Services Industry.

So far in 2024 we have won:

1. Paid placements for Social Work university students - read about our win here.  
Pay rise in the Award Review - 3 June 2024 - read about this Win here.

In 2023/24, one of our campaign focusses is on Strengthening Queensland's Youth Services and Specialist Housing Services.

In 2023,  we joined the Queensland Youth Housing Coalition and the sector to immediately increase funding to specialist youth homelessness services and we achieved this! Read all about it here. This necessary increase in homelessness funding from the Miles Queensland Government announced in 2024, will stablise the current system for homeless and at-risk young people. For our members working in these services, this investment will increase the capacity of services, including the ability to operate a two-person worker model during peak times where required, most commonly in communal 24/7 fully supported accommodation options. There is more to do!

In 2024, in partnership with youth services and youth sector peaks, we are asking the Miles Government for a 30% increase in funding for all frontline youth services including Youth Support Services, Specialist Youth Homelessness Services and community-based Youth Justice Services to:
1) Boost and build the capacity of community youth support services through workforce investment with a key focus on attracting young workers to the sector;
2) Support a workforce strategy that invests in training and development that delivers more support locally;
3) Prioritise safety and wellbeing for staff and young people which is critical to a sustainable youth workforce;
4) Investment in the youth peak bodies to advance priority initiatives in agreement with Government, providing certainty to the sector, and supporting its workforce recruitment and retention strategies necessary for this unique and vital workforce.

We are also asking for investment in the youth peak bodies to advance priority initiatives in agreement with Government, providing certainty to the sector, and supporting its workforce recruitment and retention strategies necessary for this unique and vital workforce.

Download the flyer here.

What Else Have We Won For SACS?

For a long time, members have been outspoken about their conditions and what changes they want to see across the Industry.

Over the past five years we have worked on making important changes to our fair pay claim for the minimum terms and conditions of your Award, the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (the Award).

As of 1 July 2022, many of the changes to the Award we were seeking will take effect. Please click here to see the changed to the Award.

These changes will improve many work practices within the Social, Community and Disability Services Industry and are a direct result of union membership in action.

We have developed information sheets to help members understand the changes and how they may impact them.

Employers will need to change how they do business to make sure they are compliant with the new minimum standards. Over the next 12 months we expect to see big changes within workplaces across the Industry as employers come to terms with how to implement these changes and meet service delivery.

It is important that you are informed about the changes so these info sheets will assist in building your knowledge and you have access to your Union.

Let’s not forget that come the 1 July 2022, Award rates will increase by at least $40.00 or by 4.6%. This is directly related to the campaign of the union movement to improve minimum rates of pay.

Plus, we won Portable Long Service leave for Social and Community Services workers in Queensland and 10 days paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave to be added to the Award!

Improving pay and conditions is just another way your Union is Strengthening Queensland’s Social and Community Services Industry!

Remember we are by your side and if you would like a visit to your workplace, reach out to your local organiser or call to arrange a visit.

You can also call to speak with an industrial officer on changes that occur within your workplace as a result of the Award changes.

To arrange a visit or to speak with Services Connect call 3844 5300 or email [email protected]

The Australian Services Union are the union to belong to if you work in the Social and Community Services Industry. My union is a strong advocate."
Kerriann - ASU Member - SACS Industry.   

Windsor Income Protection now available! How to cancel your old insurance.

Our Union played a key role in delivering the fantastic conditions in this Agreement – with one of these fantastic outcomes being the introduction of comprehensive third party income protection through Windsor Income Protection! 15/07/2024


Union challenges Council on maximum-term contracts

Imagine if your employer deliberately undermined your employment opportunities because you were simply a member of a union? Well look no further than Torres Strait Island Regional Council! 15/07/2024


Important info for Delegates in Supporting ASU's case

It’s time for recognition! SACS delegates nationwide came together to join the ASU campaign for the recognition and fair pay that community and disability workers deserve. 11/07/2024