Being a member of The Services Union provides me with peace of mind knowing I will always have industrial support if I have an issue at work & giving me access to a wide range of member benefits that save me money."
Jen - ASU Member - Rail Industry  



Windsor Income Protection now available! How to cancel your old insurance.

Our Union played a key role in delivering the fantastic conditions in this Agreement – with one of these fantastic outcomes being the introduction of comprehensive third party income protection through Windsor Income Protection! 15/07/2024


Union challenges Council on maximum-term contracts

Imagine if your employer deliberately undermined your employment opportunities because you were simply a member of a union? Well look no further than Torres Strait Island Regional Council! 15/07/2024


Time to get serious at Central Highlands Regional Council!

Members of The Services Union at Central Highlands Regional Council are hereby notified that our Union will conduct a ballot of members to endorse protected industrial action in support of an improved Certified Agreement offer. 11/07/2024