ASU members use their collective strength to win better pay & conditions. Members also gain expert workplace support.

The Services Union really helped me with my return to work process after maternity leave. Being a union member is really important.”

Teharne - ASU Member - Local Govt.

On-call backpay WIN at Mackay Regional Council

Congratulations to members at Mackay Regional Council who raised concerns to our Union about Council not giving on-call staff all the options available in the Determination when on-call on a public holiday. 2/05/2024


All or nothing at Burdekin Shire Council

We met with Burdekin Shire Council last week for further discussions around your new Certified Agreement (CA). In a marked change of pace, the Council tabled a comprehensive proposal for your consideration. 1/05/2024


Some strings attached at Toowoomba Regional Council

Our Union met with Toowoomba Regional Council again last Friday for further discussions and we now know the Council’s position regarding our claims. 30/04/2024