
27 Ways and Growing Campaign

The 27 Ways and Growing Campaign was launched by The Services Union in 2013 to highlight the achievements of the union movement. 31/03/2022


NDIS Best it can be

NDIS workers provide invaluable support to over 500,000 people living with a disability. But flaws in the system make it difficult to recruit and retain workers. 17/06/2024


Skilled Respected Equal

1 in 3 frontline workers in social and community services rely on financial support from family and friends due to underpayment. Half of our workforce is paid below their qualifications, skills, and experience. This is not right. 4/06/2023


Strengthening Social and Community Services

Members of the Australian Services Union (ASU) across the country have fought and won big changes for workers in the Social and Community Services Industry. 31/05/2023


Stand up for Super

Australia’s universal superannuation system is the difference between poverty and a decent retirement for most Australians. 7/12/2022


Strengthening Queensland Rail

Members know that leadership, culture, work design and work environment shape these outcomes. To support our members, our Union seeks to work with Queensland Rail to develop and implement improved health and wellbeing outcomes for members. 16/08/2022


Strengthening Local Government

Members of The Services Union (TSU) know that a highly skilled, qualified, professional, and sustainable Local Government workforce is essential to delivering high quality services to support our communities. 20/07/2022


30th Way Mental Health & Wellbeing In The Workplace

The Services Union is continuing with its 27 Ways and Growing Campaign with the launch of its 30th Way – Mental Health & Wellbeing In The Workplace. 19/07/2022


28th Way - Natural Disaster Leave

The Services Union is continuing with its 27 Ways and Growing Campaign with the launch of its 30th Way – Mental Health & Wellbeing In The Workplace. 19/07/2022


Pay rise for community and disability workers

Together, we are calling for a wage increase for community and disability workers in the National Wage Case in the Fair Work Commission. Be part of it. 11/05/2022


27 Ways and Growing Campaign

The 27 Ways and Growing Campaign was launched by The Services Union in 2013 to highlight the achievements of the union movement. 31/03/2022

Whether its workplace issues or issues in the national interest, The Services Union always leads campaigns by example."

Jeannie - Union Member - Rail Industry

Windsor Income Protection now available! How to cancel your old insurance.

Our Union played a key role in delivering the fantastic conditions in this Agreement – with one of these fantastic outcomes being the introduction of comprehensive third party income protection through Windsor Income Protection! 15/07/2024


Union challenges Council on maximum-term contracts

Imagine if your employer deliberately undermined your employment opportunities because you were simply a member of a union? Well look no further than Torres Strait Island Regional Council! 15/07/2024


Mercy's Disappointing Response on Underpayment Issue

Despite over 18 months of waiting, Mercy has shown a lack of transparency and refuses to provide a clear timeline for paying owed wages and entitlements. This is unacceptable. 11/07/2024